Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

Im going this weekend,

Im into the scene/emo ish hairstyles,

What colour would suit me?


What haircut?

Should I keep the straight bang, or go with the side?

heres a picture, sorry about the ugliness, and ima bit more pale in real life


What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?


What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

^5 heather hahaha

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

stop fishing for compliments. your hair looks fine. leave it. scene/emo style is dumb...hopefully you'll grow up soon and realize that

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

hmmf its ok but bland but ok

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

Yeah, its looks ok the way it is, with out the bullshit everyone else has added. Get with the freakin program people, answer the goddamn question.

And just so you know, you look very nice.

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

you look great what ugliness is there????

your hair is really in right now

but maybe shorten the fringe???

it can get annoying

and totally keep that hair colour.......

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

First off, what ugliness? Adorable. You have a lot of potential with your hair, but the "emo scene" is kind of limiting. If you want to go lighter with your hair, that would be cute for spring/summer. I wouldn't go too much lighter- just a few crown highlights. I think if you went a little bit darker brown it would be really suiting. The lighter colors in your hair right now would add tone to a light chestnut color.(!) Side bangs would be nice with your facial structure. They accentuate the eyes, make them look bigger or more dramatic. If you want a shorter cut, you are lucky because I think you could pull it off. Your cheekbones, face shape, etc allow for a shorter cut- which are really popular, i.e.- Michelle Williams new pixie cut, or Katie Holmes bob. Hope this helps a little! Good Luck!

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

I think you look very good, no change needed...but if you want to go for a change, then better go with a hair stylist. Good luck!

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

your hair lookes ok , but you have to take more good care of your hair. my hair I take very good care of but I always get my head in books at the book store sometimes.

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

Why dont you go away if you arn't going to answer her question? Jerks.


Here you go sweetie. :] This site has everything.

Tons and tons of styles and colors. :]

If you dont find something here I would be shocked.

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?


you look like an ugly rat

nothing you do will make you look better, sorry.

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

just keep it you look fine

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

i wouldnt worry about the hair worry about the face damn you should be sorry about the uglyness

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

Go for side-bangs. :] They're more flattering on most people.

Maybe dye your hair black, or very pale blonde?

As for finding a style for your length of hair, I would recommend searching on Google or Photobucket. There's PLENTY of good pictures there.

Good luck! :]

What should I do with my hair? (pics inside)?

You already asked this. Go away.

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