Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the

I like really long, sort of shoppy "emo" bangs, and I like the back of my hair really short, but long enough to be spiky and kind of messy. If anyone has any pictures with examples of guy's haircuts like that, I would appreciate it very much!!!

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

This page has some pics of scene guy haircuts, some of them are long in the front.

Hope it helps and you find something.

Oh here is a some more:

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

Browse MySpace.

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

Just google for emo hair styles.. You will find PLENTY of pics.

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

use key words womans pixie cuts, can be very scene on guys.

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

Scene is over... but go to and search for pictures,lots will come up.

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

this is one of my friends' bf...i love the look...its soo cute..u should go for it, i hope this is wut u were lookin for. :)

I need pics of scene haircuts for guys that are long in the front and really short and choppy in the back.?

You'll want to try the Famous Times Six Website:

They sell authentic hair extensions with stripes made from real human hair. I buy all my hair from there!

They have a lot of colours to choose from too.

clip in coon tail striped hair extensions are best because-

- you don't ruin your hair with dye

- they don't grow out

- you can put them in and take them off

- they can last you forever

- they're cheap

- they look like the real thing

- they wont go all frizzy and weird like real hair does when it's dyed, it'll just look like part of your hair.

- You can change your look really easily

-won't go against any school or work dress codes as you can take them out!

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