I'm getting my hair cut soon. But the hairstyle I've picked out is sortive scene-ish. I like how the scene hair is razored and is sortive short on the top layer. Anyway. My mom said it looks like something a freak would have. :/ She said I have to pick another one. I have shoulder-length hair and its dirty blonde but I'm about to dye it red-ish. I don't want the hairstyle to be too short. . .pictures would be GREAT! Lol. Help!! Lol.
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? i tend to agree that if your just cutting your hair this is something that shouldn't be a debate there are more important things get good grades don't do drugs and if you have accomplished that what difference does it make cut your hair anyway you like,
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? whats scene ish? whatever if you like it you should get it even if your mom doesnt after all its going on your head not hers
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? photobucket.com they have a great pictures. Try to compromise with her. Pick out a picture that you like, and ask your mom.
Good Luck
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? Oh god. I have the same f-ing problem. Have her drop you off at the hairstylist and tell her what you want once your mom leaves. Or just pick something a bit less blatantly scene, and ease into the style you want over a few months. Or something. Personally, I just got my hair done dark reddish/brown with some black at the nape of my neck, and I have it long and straight with sideswept "emo" bangs so I can put it up in a side ponytail. If you get a relatively plain cut, you can do a lot of things with it and your mom won't freak out. Good luck!!
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? WTF is up with everyone wanting scene hair?!
Its really hard to take care of.
Just find a haircut you both can agree on.
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? Try some of these and see what you parents think.. Have fun just looking too.
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? Going against your parents is really not a good attitude to have, NO MATTER how simple of an issue it is!!!! (and NO, I am not a mother, and I do NOT have kids) You need to respect their thoughts and wishes no matter how weird and utterly stupid they may seem. What if your mother refused to let you wear blue? Seems rather outlandish right now huh? Maybe in her mind it seems like a good judgement, as obviously she has her reasons...what if she grew up where anyone who wore blue had the chance to be shot as it was a gang color, and that color just scares her to this day, and reminds her of all the gang shootings from her life...what if her baby brother was shot because he wore blue in the wrong part of town?? Even though she knows the threat is GONE, it just makes her THINK a certain way, and to any person outside the situation it seems like such a ridiculous thing to be upset about, but to your mother, she has her reasons. Now obviously a certain hairstyle isn't going to get you shot one day, but parents do have sometimes very substantial things to back up their reasons, or stands on what they say, or what they want.
Parents have WISDOM, as much as you may not think so, and something so SIMPLE as a hair style is nothing to have a huge fight with your parents about, believe me, there are more serious things to fight about with your parents. More serious things to stand up for your 'own rights' about, FOR SURE. All a parent wants in their heart is for you to be happy, and they want to give you everything that they can personally give to bless their childs life, so they just don't wake up in the morning and decide to not let you wear your hair the way you want it...mom just doesn't roll a dice and decide what hair styles you are allowed, and which ones you are not.
Some hairstyles make parents and other people SEE a person in a different light. Or same thing as the way people dress, or peircings, etc. When you see someone with what may be, in that world, "gorgeous" dreds, but to you they just look gross and unkempt and dirty, and they imply something about that person, tree-hugger, dead-head, druggie, hippie, etc...would you want your child to grow them? If someone were to dress in really provocative clothing, but be really modest, and be a virgin, and whatever, people are going to label her as a whore, or something against what describes her as a true person. So perhaps your mother sees this hair style as something that would give you a certain label or another, and she doesn't want people to veiw you in that light.
Also the problem with vary trendy styles, is that in 5 years it looks so bad. Look at how we may veiw hair styles that were I'm sure, all the rage, from back in the 1980's!! I know, since I had that huge, high, teased and whatever other crap we did, and oh my goodness, look at what fools we look like. Also, if everyone else is doing it, then you'll just blend right on it, and you won't be your own person, or stand out in a crowd. What if in 6 months everyone is trying SOO HARD to get their 'scene' hair grown out, as fast as they can, to have this new trendy look, and anyone seen with scene hair is like, so behind the times, then you get to struggle to fit that next mold. Be your own person, and do your own thing, not because some style guru decides that this is what is in for this season, and then for the next season you look as bad as the 80's big hair and neon tie dye.
New haircut. Parents don't approve. Help!? You'll want to try the Famous Times Six Website: http://www.ft6.int.tc
They sell authentic hair extensions with stripes made from real human hair. I buy all my hair from there!
They have a lot of colours to choose from too.
clip in coon tail striped hair extensions are best because-
- you don't ruin your hair with dye
- they don't grow out
- you can put them in and take them off
- they can last you forever
- they're cheap
- they look like the real thing
- they wont go all frizzy and weird like real hair does when it's dyed, it'll just look like part of your hair.
- You can change your look really easily
-won't go against any school or work dress codes as you can take them out!