Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How do I let my friend know I'm not interested without making some big scene?

I'm a straight girl. I have a friend who claims to be a straight girl but whos sexuality is a bit, shall we say, disputed. I don't mind that. I have gay friends and straight friends and friends who claim to be one but whom I suspect to be another. It's just that the ambiguity in our relationship is troublesome.

She's a few years younger than me and has kind of a crush. I'm not sure if its a "girl" crush or a crush on a girl. I don't want to be a jerk. I like her a lot. I want to be friends. But she's flirting in a way that's begining to make me (and the people around us) a bit uncomfortable. Touching, compliments, all that. The other night she rubbed my hair and told me I have great breasts. I mean, that's pretty straightforward, right? But she's always said she's straight, and I don't want to confront her and tell her I'm not interested if she's not yet ready to admit that she's into girls.

So. What's a girl (who likes boys) to do?

How do I let my friend know I'm not interested without making some big scene?

act weird and do things she doesnt really like.

How do I let my friend know I'm not interested without making some big scene?

ever thought.. she's just really touchy feely!? lol

just ask her (politely) to stop touching you and actin the way she does.. and if that doesnt work..... well um.. idk.. post another question and then u'll find out what to do XP

good luck! lol

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