Saturday, August 1, 2009

SCENE haircut?!?

is there any name for THIS haircut that i can go to a hair salon and ask for it specifically?

SCENE haircut?!?

Take in several pictures of this, and if it's a good place, they can do it. Try making your own, as these people had to in the beginning... i don't know how though... (kinda strange)

anyways, that's what i do and it works. then if you stick with the same person, they'll remember you and know what you want. but try making it your own.

just ask for a pixie cut, basic thing, then you can shorten up the bangs...

SCENE haircut?!?

you can tell them you want your hair like Elvira but alittle shorter in the back.

SCENE haircut?!?

just ask for a short layer.

and tell them to razor the ends.

you could also bring in the picture.

SCENE haircut?!?

a scene mullet?

or just bring the pic with as a reference

SCENE haircut?!?

true scene kids do their hair themselves.

SCENE haircut?!?

print the pix out and take it to the hair salon.

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